Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rounding out the first 5 days - The Kit

We had a snow day on Wednesday the 9th. I stayed home with the kids. It was really nice to watch snow shut down the hearty midwesterners. I heard a guy say that the snow was needed to keep the midwesterners in check. It is mother natures way of keeping life at the right pace for Wisconsin.

Last week I ordered a kit, and now it arrived. A few extra mats, blocks and straps to have in my arsenal. Why? Well for the class at work I thought some people might not have mats and want to "try before they buy." Why is that my problem? It's not of course. But something made me want a kit. When my wife Steffani was doing movies in LA - she had a "kit." Everyone in LA in the movie biz had a kit. Your kit was your personal tools of the trade that helped you do movies effectively. My friend John is a painter. His kit has expanded to a trailer! It is very common to get a kit rental fee on a movie. That is - extra weekly fee for use of your tools. (I am not planning on getting that in yoga!)

But I wanted a kit. I actually want to grow the kit. Why? Well - I have an image of captuing people in the hallway at work and saying "come to my Yoga class at noon" and them saying "don't have a mat" and me saying "don't worry I have your covered." Gotcha!

I also think I am drawn to teach yoga to people without mats. Now listen - this is a key facet of my journey that is emerging. I am drawn to teach yoga to people who don't have mats. More on this later.
By Thursday I sent an email to my friend who owns a studio and told her I was read to do a class for her. I told her about my class at work and finishing training and so on. More to report on this soon.

PS - I finally got back on the mat on Wednesday evening for a hot flow class. It felt good.

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