Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bryan Kest - rhyming the practice

For me there is no other way to say it. It was like taking a yoga class from a combination of Tony Soprano, Dr. Seuss and a great yoga master. Bryan Kest came and delivered one great message. Keep it simple, take the ego out. His whole approach to teaching was about being gentle to yourself and doing just what you need to do today.

I guess it was a bout 1/2 way through the practice that I realized his whole spoken narrative was rhyming. Yes - it was Seussical yoga. I can't remember a single rhyme right now. His voice is low and his delivery is simple but stern like a mobster.

If I had to guess I would say we did about 12 poses in an hour and forty five minutes. He warned us ahead of time not to expect anything fancy. This was real simple yoga, hard as hell.

I think his message is one that is needed in America today. This is spiritual practice. You may not need to go deeper in the physical poses, but you do need to go deeper in to the principles. Be gentle with yourself on the mat. Take that gentleness out in the world. Leave your ego outside.

Bryan made a big imprint on me. Now the question - is Jonny Kest his brother?

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